Tag Archives: Brushes app

Challenge Over – Scottie Wins!


The game is over – boy it was a hard one. Some wonderful ideas, and no duplicates, which proves how creative you all are. 

Linda from ColoradoFarmLife came close, but Scottie from ScottiesToyBox got it correct after reading her guesses, which proves how clever he is!

The pictures are of road dirt or mud on one of the white work vans. I thought it looked rather beautiful and strange. Then I realised that you really couldn’t tell what it was unless you knew, and took the second picture with a bit of tire showing to make it easier. 

I must give credit to my hubby, who took one look and got it right instantly. He then tried to guess the make and model of van (which I at first thought he got wrong), and he got that right, too. Which proves we definitely belong together!

Scottie seems to have played along for the fun of it, but I did offer a prize, such as it is. My ulterior motive is to get myself back drawing, so I offered a digital drawing of whatever the winner wants. I won’t say that I’m terribly talented and there are a lot of things I probably can’t draw.

So, Scottie – please have a look at these old links to past posts, to get an idea of what I can and can’t do – then email me a photo to work from!

Alaska Lady


Oh Balls

Lokii At Night



Border Collie


Red Dog

Penguin and Stegosaurus

Clyde (with original photo, and not my best effort. He was HARD) 

Ivy & Stewie (my favourite)
There are more, but I’m getting bored with links. If you want to waste a lot of time, go to my main page and scroll down to Catergories, Brushes.

Hope to take another mystery shot soon so we can play again!

A Challenge! What is This?


I took this picture at work Monday.

Can you guess what it is? If no one guesses, I have one more picture with a bit of a hint in it. No hints from me, this post!

I wish I had something to offer as a prize, as I know this is a hard one. Maybe a Brushes drawing of a photo you want rendered into amateur digital art?

Perhaps it is time to get serious…


First, let me swear on whatever you find worthy of swearing upon that I have not ever clicked on my own blog link after doing a search for ’11/22/63 art.’ (Proof: it isn’t purple in my browser!) I only ever looked because I kept seeing it pop up in my stats, along with ‘Siamese cat drawing.’ So, being curious, I wanted to see where I ranked. The last time I looked, I ranked just below the official Stephen King website. Today, I rank above it.


I actually feel a bit ill seeing this. It scares me. What if King finds me? I might have my first-ever panic attack… and then invite him to Ireland to drive around Mayo on a rented Harley with me (on my own bike, of course). I know better than to ask him to the pub.

What if the publisher sees it, or the person who did the book jacket, and says I’ve infringed on copyright by reproducing the first page? I want to do more of these, and I even started one for ‘IT’ but the movie’s images kept getting in my way. I’ll have to read it again (oh darn, the hardship) and find a good image to use. So right now my idea is to do a couple more, then go ask the publisher if I’m in trouble and need to stop…

Brushed still life of random junk


I have no idea why I’m putting this up here, instead of doing another drawing… well, yes, I do. I was reviewing older works – in preparation to create a new one – and this picture caught my eye.

Backstory: After Christmas dinner, I loaned my iPad to my hubby’s uncle and he spent ages drawing my mostly empty glass of Pepsi. He’s an artist – and a retired art teacher – and what he did with Brushes blew my socks off. (Even though I had to continually tell him how to work the app.) Everything I would have considered a horrible mistake – undo! undo! – he left in. And wow. I’m totally not posting his work here, uh-uh, no way. My ego is too fra-gee-lay.

Instead, here’s my attempt to follow his lead. I’m intrigued (in retrospect) by my own effort here. I started with the scissors, and it shows. They look terrible, complete shite. The rectangle thingie is a lighter a friend brought me from Russia. It has a famous bridge on it – not sure where, as I can’t read Cyrillic. That was second. It just kind of sits there, a boring mark on the canvas.

But the last thing I smeared on the page, as I was getting steadily happier and drunker, was my nasty ashtray. And I love how it turned out! I almost cropped the pic and just posted the ashtray part. But a lot of you have come along with me on my art adventure and I felt I would be cheating if I didn’t share the whole picture, warts and all.


Usyaka has inspired a Brushing!



Sorry for shouting, but I got to play tonight and finished up the picture that Usyaka inspired. It’s not exact from the photo, I managed to use my imagination a bit. My favorite part of the original photo was the sheer power in her hind legs – the beauty of muscle in motion and the line of her leg and tail. Hope you like it!
