Monthly Archives: January 2014

Cleaned up Cuteness


Another new thing I have now – iPhoto! So far I’ve not played around with it much. What I am loving is the “repair” function. What this means is now I can (mostly) hide the ginormous holes in the dog bed. The party responsible for making the holes is not pictured (yes, Lokii, I’m talking about you).

The editing isn’t perfect, but it makes me happier not to see all the green fluff spilling out.

I wish I could fix the actual dog bed so easily!

Yes, I took these photos months ago, sorry Tom!

They don’t do this often, but it’s nice to catch them cuddling.

Pretty Awesome.


I got a new iPad for Christmas – the iPad Air. It does some new stuff. One of the things it does is let you go backward in time in your photo stream, until you can see all of your photos by the year they were taken. Itty bitty photos.

I just loved seeing this! I’m so glad that my life has been awash in colours like these. Funny how seeing everything you found interesting for an entire year looks both small and huge at the same time.


So many photos you know! And so many you don’t. I’m pleased that I’ve clearly been taking more and more every year.

And yes, now my photo stream includes a photo of my photo stream…

Help needed from Ireland and England!


What the HELL is tearing up my garden?

All along the walls in our back garden, something has been digging. This was a month ago:


This was two weeks ago:


It’s much, much worse now. What the hell could it be? It’s not birds, or cats, or our dog. I doubt a fox or badger would come in our wee space – the gate is very low and the space is small and reeks of dog.

Could we have a resident hedgehog? What the hell else could be doing this? Helppppp 🙂

Smelly Sunday Morning


This wasn’t this past Sunday, but the one before. I woke up to find Spot had his arse right in my face, so I nudged hubby and got him to take pictures.

Please forgive my weird bedroom paint job – I was testing out colours and hated all of them. Maybe now that a few years have gone by, I’ll do something about it… HA!

What’s that I smell?

I think it might be…

Cattbutt! Oh how lovely of Spot to share his distinctive aroma, eau de feces, with me!

The Pork I Buy lately looks… Odd.


I think I’ll just leave this one as photos. Sorry Sled, I know you don’t eat meat. Maybe this is why not…

Last week, my dinner…

This week.

I think I need to start buying my pork loin elsewhere…

Bad jokes and puns strongly encouraged!

Heat Your Home! Now! For Cheap! letmetellyahow!


Have a back boiler? Have a VERY dead Christmas tree? Heat your whole house in minutes with dead tree twigs! Yes! You too can escape the low temperatures by burning the shit out of that dead thing you paid good money for! Just trim here, trim there, and toss onto your already-glowing coals! It couldn’t be easier. Call now!*

*Pleasenotethat’heat’requireskeepinganannoyingneedledroppingPOStreeinyourhouse,blockingthemainwindow,wellintoJanuary. Notresponsibleforpointy-assneedlesbeingdistributedallthroughoutyourdamnhouse.


Frosty Morning


It was foggy Wednesday night, so much so that on my way home from work, I turned on the car’s fog light. This is a thing new to me since I emigrated to Ireland. It’s one blindingly red light under just one taillight at the back of your car, and it shows up really well in the fog. I didn’t have anyone come up behind me to test how well it worked. I could see that the cat’s eyes in the road behind me were now blood red. Did you know that the cat’s eye centre marker was invented by an Irishman? Now you do.

Anyhoo. The thick fog and 1° C temp meant that the car was covered in a thin sheen of ice on Thursday morning. It wasn’t a bother to me. I lived in Ohio for years, so a skin of ice is nothing at all. Snow deep enough to cover your license plate? That’s a bother.

But back to the ice. It was dammed beautiful from inside the Mini. I got in, sat down and said wow.

I’d already started the car so had to rush like mad to take these before the defroster melted it away.

The short and beautiful life of windscreen (windshield) frost.

I need this.


I saw this most amazing thing on Facebook today, via Etsy.

Cat Battle-Armor. Can you just imagine the number of photos I would put up? Anyone want to give me €395 just to see the pictures I’d share?

I managed to steal a screen shot photo. I loooove this! Even better that the model looks like a Bengal.

It’s a proper harness. I would walk Spot everywhere if this was mine.

Post-Holiday Depression in Pets?


Most of us who dislike or tolerate our day (or night) jobs probably really appreciated the time off from work over the holidays. Ireland is very generous with holiday time – I worked from 7am to 10am on Dec 24th, and didn’t have to go back until Jan 2nd. I loved it!

The ones who loved it even more were our cats. They couldn’t wait for us to sit our (spreading) arses on the couch to catch up on movies, or TV, or box sets. I’m not kidding at all when I say that they were pulling at our sleeves to hurry us up to sit back from our breakfast and make room for them to cuddle under the blanket so they could snuggle into sleep.

I said our sleeves? No. They want to sleep on me. Just me.

Poor iDJ, he gets no cats. We have a running joke because the boys are always cuddling with me.
Him, pathetically: “Why don’t I get any cats?”
Me, hopefully: “We could get two more!”
Him, sad and resigned: “No, then you’d just have four cats.”

And that is true. Because he… twitches. He fidgets. Kitties hate that shit.

Me? I can lie like a slug for hours and hours and barely move at all. Kitty heaven.

It doesn’t hurt that I’m also really warm all the time – and they know it.

So, now that we are both back to work the boys are being rather mental because they miss lap-time, couch-time, whatever you want to call it. They are unimpressed that we are no longer here 24hrs a day providing comfy warm places to sleep. I know it upsets them, poor boys. It is so damn cold in this house during the day, and not a glimmer of sunshine in a month.

It’s not all bad. My good old man Spot decided to show iDJ some love on Sunday, and was adorable in his method. I think it was one last play at keeping us home to lurve on him constantly.
