Monthly Archives: May 2018

Lokii on the Prowl


Lokii turned ten this month. He is super healthy and only has the tiniest flecks of white on his ears.

He also has suddenly become…brave.

He wants to go outside for the first time in his life! Used to be, if I even held him by the window or back door he would get stressed or show no interest. Well.

Him this evening, looking like the king of the world on the roof of our car. He is just fine until a moving car comes close or a human appears, then he gets scared.

I’d love to see what he thinks of the cows next door!

Litter-ally Considerate!


I saw the most amazing thing yesterday! Siamese Lokii went for a pee. When he started to come out of the box, he put both front feet on the edge at first; then he put each foot back into the box, one at a time, and shook the litter off!

As he stepped out, he shook off each back foot as well.

I’ve had cats all of my life and have never ever seen this behaviour.

What a gentleman!

Eh, mam. Please, I was only sleepy…

Spring has Been Delayed


Some of my blooms. We are about a month behind last year!

Blurry bleeding hearts! So hard to get them in focus.

Anemone and what ever that ground cover is. I keep forgetting!

Indoor only amaryllis. No leaves! I’ve been told I should put her outside for the summer. What do you think?

New tulip! Fantastic.

Another new tulip!

Tulip and azalea bloom.

I just love these!