Because I Can’t Deal With The Pain in the World Today



About heretherebespiders

Immigrant American living in Ireland. Sarcastic, decrepit. Loads of interests: reading, plants, pets, food, art, writing, drinking, space, politics, feminism, quantum theory. Not 'girly' and not interested in being so.

14 responses »

  1. Thank you so much! This post is exactly what I needed. It gave me a beautiful opportunity. Thank you for reminded me that even in this loss, this anger, this horrible situation, there are rays of sunlight for those who look for them. Ron has gone off to work, a 12 hour shift. But he still feels a change is coming. He deals with all this far better than I think I could. However I must also move forward on my own living to assist him and keep my self calm. You are wonderful and I admire you. Hugs

  2. The world’s gone for shit. But you know the old saying: The one thing man has never learned from history … is to learn from history. It’s impossible to comprehend.
    Flowers are good!

    • My mother always said those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
      It does seem not a lot of people are learning, these days. I’ll take heart in the ones I meet that do! Not sure what to do about the rest.

  3. Hello Jude. I don’t know your situation but I would like to just say that each day the sun comes up is a new day that gives us a chance. It may not be today , or tomorrow but one day when that sun comes up it will be better for you, you will be free, on that day you can be you and be happy . Hugs

Thoughts? Gardening tips? Cocktail recipes? Don't just like and leave, please - I can talk for Ireland and would love to prove it!